All about global statistics

ICMP IGMP OSPF VRRP DPI nDPI math statistics traffic mining tawk


Using tawk any statistics can be produced from the flow file. Nevertheless, T2 supplies several statistics in the end report, flow / packet file and extra protocol based files because it is faster and was useful to us in troubleshooting, security and forensic. The latter files will be discussed here, and links to further tutorials are supplied.


First, restore T2 into a pristine state by removing all unnecessary or older plugins from the plugin folder ~/.tranalyzer/plugins:

t2build -e -y

Are you sure you want to empty the plugin folder '/home/wurst/.tranalyzer/plugins' (y/N)? yes
Plugin folder emptied

Then compile the following plugins:

t2build tranalyzer2 basicFlow basicStats icmpDecode igmpDecode ospfDecode vrrpDecode tcpStates nDPI txtSink


If you did not create a separate data and results directory yet, please do it now in another bash window, that facilitates your workflow:

mkdir ~/data ~/results

The anonymized sample PCAP and the VRRP pcap used in this tutorial can be downloaded here:

Please save them in your ~/data folder.

Now you are all set for T2 IP label experiments.

Basic L3/4 packet/length statistics

Basic packet and packet length statistics is readily available in the end report as indicated below. Hence, a first impression of the relevance of a pcap without looking into flow files is possible. Besides basic L3/4 statistics, every plugin produces its own statistics in the end report between the --------- lines.

t2 -r ~/data/annoloc2.pcap -w ~/results

Oups, no VRRP and OSPF messages….

Anyway, here is a list of all plugins producing extra global statistics information:

plugin files
protoStats _flows.*, _log.txt (end report), _proto.txt
basicStats _flows.*, _log.txt (end report)
icmpDecode _flows.*, _log.txt (end report), _icmp.txt
igmpDecode _flows.*, _log.txt (end report), _igmp.txt
ospfDecode _flows.*, _log.txt (end report), _ospfStats.txt, _ospfHello.txt
nDPI _flows.*, _log.txt (end report), _nDPI.txt
vrrpDecode _flows.*, _log.txt (end report), _vrrp.txt


This plugin is discussed in detail in global statistical plugins.

Detailed statistics

In the following plugins are listed which produce a more detailed view of certain important plugins.

ICMP statistics

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) diagnostic or control. See icmpDecode.

IGMP statistics

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a communications protocol to manage multicast group memberships e.g. for streaming services.

OSPF statistics

See ospfDecode tutorial.

nDPI statistics

nDPI is a wrapper for the open source nDPI project. Under the link the plugin is discussed in detail.

VRRP statistics

The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) provides automatic assignment of routers to hosts. To have an overview about update processes is vital for troubleshooting purposes. This is where the vrrpDecode plugin comes in handy!

Download VRRP_preempt.cap and run t2 on it:

t2 -r ~/data/VRRP_preempt.cap -w ~/results

tcol ~/results/VRRP_preempt_vrrp.txt

VirtualRtrID  Priority  SkewTime[s]  MasterDownInterval[s]  AddrCount  Addresses    Version  Type  AdverInt[s]  AuthType  AuthString  Checksum  CalcChecksum  flowIndex
1             100       0.609375     3.609375               1  2        1     1            0                     0xba52    0xba52        1
1             100       0.609375     3.609375               1  2        1     1            0                     0xba52    0xba52        1
1             100       0.609375     3.609375               1  2        1     1            0                     0xba52    0xba52        1
1             100       0.609375     3.609375               1  2        1     1            0                     0xba52    0xba52        1
1             100       0.609375     3.609375               1  2        1     1            0                     0xba52    0xba52        1
1             100       0.609375     3.609375               1  2        1     1            0                     0xba52    0xba52        1
1             100       0.609375     3.609375               1  2        1     1            0                     0xba52    0xba52        1
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2
1             200       0.218750     3.218750               1  2        1     1            0                     0x5652    0x5652        2

You see a list of router messages. We plan to do an extra routing tutorial.

Mining based statistics

For traffic mining purposes a specific packet size and inter-distance (PIAT) are good invariants. In order to support researchers for signal approaches the plugin nFrstPkts was developed which served us well over the years.

For the pure statistical approach the pktSIATHisto is supplied which creates a 3-D distribution of PIAT. The plugin descriptiveStats calculates descriptive statistical moments from the PIAT distribution, thus requires pktSIATHisto as dependence.

All these plugins are discussed in detail under the links supplied above.