Plugin dependencies

plugin development


In order to avoid reinventing the wheel, T2 provides the means to access other plugins results.

Getting started

Create folders for your data and results

If you have not created a separate data and results directory yet, please do it now. This will greatly facilitate your workflow:

mkdir ~/data ~/results

Reset tranalyzer2 and the plugins configuration

If you have followed the other tutorials, you may have modified some of the core and plugins configuration. To ensure your results match those in this tutorial, make sure to reset everything:

t2conf -a --reset

You can also clean all build files:

t2build -a -c

Empty the plugin folder

To ensure we are not left with some unneeded plugins or plugins which were built using different core configuration, it is safer to empty the plugins folder:

t2build -e -y

Are you sure you want to empty the plugin folder '/home/user/.tranalyzer/plugins' (y/N)? yes
Plugin folder emptied

Download the PCAP file

The PCAP file used in this tutorial can be downloaded here:

Please save it in your ~/data folder:

wget --no-check-certificate -P ~/data

Build tranalyzer2 and the required plugins

For this tutorial, we will need to build the core (tranalyzer2) and the following plugins:

As you may have modified some of the automatically generated files, it is safer to use the -r and -f options.

t2build -r -f tranalyzer2 basicFlow basicStats tcpStates txtSink



Source code

In this tutorial, we will extend tcpWin08.tar.gz, the final version of the previous tutorial (Plugin Geo Labeling).

If you are impatient, you can download the final versions of the tcpWin plugin we will develop in this tutorial.

To use one of those plugins, just unpack it in the plugins folder of your T2 installation.


tar -xf ~/Downloads/tcpWin09.tar.gz

And let t2_aliases know about it:

source "$T2HOME/scripts/t2_aliases"

Accessing core internal information

If you need the number of TCP packets or any other global counts defined in t2stats.h, which is included in t2Plugin.h every plugin includes, then no dependency is needed.


vi src/t2stats.h


// counter and monitoring statistics absolute/diff mode

extern uint64_t bytesOnWire, bytesOnWire0;
extern uint64_t bytesProcessed, bytesProcessed0;
extern uint64_t corrReplFlws, corrReplFlws0;
extern uint64_t maxNumFlows; //, maxNumFlows0;
extern uint64_t maxNumFlowsPeak; //, maxNumFlowsPeak0;
extern uint64_t numABytes, numABytes0;
extern uint64_t numAlarmFlows, numAlarmFlows0;
extern uint64_t numAlarms, numAlarms0;
extern uint64_t numAPackets, numAPackets0;
extern uint64_t numAYIYAPackets, numAYIYAPackets0;
extern uint64_t numBBytes, numBBytes0;
extern uint64_t numBPackets, numBPackets0;
#if FORCE_MODE == 1
extern uint64_t numForced, numForced0;
#endif // FORCE_MODE == 1
extern uint64_t numFragV4Packets, numFragV4Packets0;
extern uint64_t numFragV6Packets, numFragV6Packets0;
extern uint64_t numGREPackets, numGREPackets0;
extern uint64_t numLAPDPackets, numLAPDPackets0;
extern uint64_t numLLCPackets, numLLCPackets0;
extern uint64_t numPackets, numPackets0;
extern uint64_t numTeredoPackets, numTeredoPackets0;
extern uint64_t numV4Packets, numV4Packets0;
extern uint64_t numV6Packets, numV6Packets0;
extern uint64_t numVxPackets, numVxPackets0;
extern uint64_t padBytesOnWire, padBytesOnWire0;
extern uint64_t rawBytesOnWire, rawBytesOnWire0;
extern uint64_t totalAFlows, totalAFlows0;
extern uint64_t totalBFlows, totalBFlows0;
extern uint64_t totalFlows, totalFlows0;
extern uint64_t totalIPv4Flows, totalIPv4Flows0;
extern uint64_t totalIPv6Flows, totalIPv6Flows0;
extern uint64_t totalL2Flows, totalL2Flows0;

// global L2 protocols
extern uint64_t numBytesL2[65536], numBytes0L2[65536];
extern uint64_t numPacketsL2[65536], numPackets0L2[65536];

// global L3 protocols
extern uint64_t numBytesL3[256], numBytes0L3[256];
extern uint64_t numPacketsL3[256], numPackets0L3[256];


So if you need any of these variables, which denote the aggregated counts over all packets up to the time of request, just use them. BUT NEVER EVER WRITE TO THEM !!! We give you as developer the freedom to access core variables and function as we do not try to treat programmers as airbus treats pilots. So we give you access, please treat the anteater respectfully.

Accessing other plugins information

For plugins, it is a bit differentl. Hence, the following rules apply:

  • the plugin supplying data must have a number lower than yours
  • the header file (pluginName.h) of the plugin must be included at the beginning of your plugin
  • Replace T2_PLUGIN_INIT(...) with T2_PLUGIN_INIT_WITH_DEPS(...) (and add the dependencies)
  • the path of the plugin must be added in your, CMakeLists.txt and src/ files
  • variables you are interested in must be declared as extern ... __attribute__((weak));

It may sound complicated, but it actually is not. Just stick to the plugin coding rules and you’ll be fine.

In this example, we will add a dependency to the basicStats plugin, to access the number of transmitted packets numTPkts. Open your tcpWin.c and replace T2_PLUGIN_INIT(...) with T2_PLUGIN_INIT_WITH_DEPS(..., "basicStats"). Just add the lines marked by // <--


vi src/tcpWin.h

#include "tcpWin.h"
#include "basicStats.h"  // <-- TODO

 * Plugin variables that may be used by other plugins MUST be declared in
 * the header file as 'extern tcpWinFlow_t *tcpWinFlows;'

tcpWinFlow_t *tcpWinFlows;

 * Variables from dependencies, i.e., other plugins, MUST be declared weak,
 * in order to prevent dlopen() from trying to resolve them. If the symbols
 * are missing, it means the required dependency was not loaded. The error
 * will be reported by loadPlugins.c when checking for the dependencies
 * listed in the t2Dependencies() or T2_PLUGIN_INIT_WITH_DEPS() function.

extern bSFlow_t *bSFlow __attribute__((weak));  // <-- TODO

 * If the dependency is optional, it MUST be defined with the following two
 * statements and the dependency MUST NOT be listed in t2Dependencies()

//extern pktSIAT_t *pktSIAT_trees __attribute__((weak));
//pktSIAT_t *pktSIAT_trees;


// Tranalyzer functions

 * This describes the plugin name, version, major and minor version of
 * Tranalyzer required and dependencies
T2_PLUGIN_INIT_WITH_DEPS("tcpWin", "0.9.0", 0, 9, "basicStats"); // <-- TODO


So we can access the basicStats flow struct now, as shown below:


vi src/basicStats.h

typedef struct {
    uint64_t numTPkts;  // Number of packets transmitted.
    uint64_t numTBytes; // Number of bytes transmitted (depends on PACKETLENGTH)
    uint64_t totTBytes; // Number of bytes transmitted (total rawLen)
#if BS_STATS == 1
#if BS_XCLD > 0
    uint64_t numTPkts0; // Number of packets transmitted pktlen > 0
#endif // BS_XCLD > 0
    struct timeval lst;
    float avePktSzf;
#if BS_VARSTD > 0
    float varPktSz;
    float varIATSz;
#endif // BS_VARSTD > 0
    float aveIATSzf;
    float minIAT;
    float maxIAT;
    uint16_t minL3PktSz; // Smallest L3 packet size detected
    uint16_t maxL3PktSz; // Largest L3 packet size detected
#endif // BS_STATS == 1
} bSFlow_t;

// plugin struct pointer for potential dependencies
extern bSFlow_t *bSFlow;

Open tcpWin.c and add the lines marked by // <-- in the t2OnFlowTerminate(...) callback function. There we define a pointer to the struct of that very flowIndex. Then, we replace tcpWinFlowP->pktTcpCnt with bSFlowP->numTPkts. We will also replace our global pktTcpCnt with numPacketsL3[L3_TCP] defined in t2stats.h, so you can delete the global static uint32_t pktTcpCnt;! You can also delete the line where tcpWinFlowP->pktTcpCnt++; in t2OnLayer4(). And finally, the uint32_t pktTcpCnt; field in gwz_t in tcpWin.h is not needed anymore, so delete it as well. Note that we optimized the code a little bit, by adding a test for PROTO_IS_TCP(). That way, we only do calculations when we have to (IPv4 and TCP).


vi src/tcpWin.c

void t2OnFlowTerminate(unsigned long flowIndex, outputBuffer_t *buf) {
    tcpWinFlow_t * const tcpWinFlowP = &tcpWinFlows[flowIndex];
    bSFlow_t * const bSFlowP = &bSFlow[flowIndex];                 // <-- TODO

    float f = 0.0;
    if (bSFlowP->numTPkts) {                                       // <-- TODO
        f = (float)tcpWinFlowP->winThCnt/(float)bSFlowP->numTPkts; // <-- TODO

    OUTBUF_APPEND_U8(buf, tcpWinFlowP->stat);
    OUTBUF_APPEND_U8(buf, tcpWinFlowP->ttl);
    OUTBUF_APPEND_U32(buf, tcpWinFlowP->tcpWinInit);
    OUTBUF_APPEND_U32(buf, tcpWinFlowP->winThCnt);
    OUTBUF_APPEND_FLT(buf, f);

    const flow_t * const flowP = &flows[flowIndex];
    if (!FLOW_IS_IPV4(flowP) || !PROTO_IS_TCP(flowP)) return;  // IPv4 and TCP only // <-- TODO

    if (tcpWinFlowP->winThCnt == 0 || bSFlowP->numTPkts < TCPWIN_MINPKTS) return;  // <-- TODO

    const int wzi = gwz.wzi; // store element count in const local variable, makes the compiler happy
    if (wzi >= TCPWIN_MAXWSCNT) return;  // If array full, stop saving

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < wzi; i++) {
        if (gwz.wzip[i].IPv4.s_addr == flowP->srcIP.IPv4.s_addr) break; // does IP exist?

    if (f > gwz.wzCnt[i]) {                     // only update if count is greater than the previous one
        gwz.tcpCnt[i] = bSFlowP->numTPkts;      // update TCP packet count <-- TODO
        gwz.wzCnt[i] = f;                       // update relative count
        if (i == wzi) {                         // new one?
            gwz.wzip[i] = flowP->srcIP;         // save new IP
            gwz.sID[i] = flowP->subnetNrSrc;    // save subnetID from core
#endif // SUBNET_ON != 0 && (AGGREGATIONFLAG & SUBNET) == 0
            gwz.wzi++;                          // increment global window size counter


That’s it for the code part. Now we need to tell the compiler what we want.

For meson add the depending plugin in the inc statement in



inc = include_directories(
    join_paths('..', '..', 'utils'),
    join_paths('..', '..', 'tranalyzer2', 'src'),
    join_paths('..', 'basicStats', 'src'),        # <-- TODO

For cmake in the target_include_directories of CMakeLists.txt

vi CMakeLists.txt

        ../../basicStats/src   # <-- TODO

And for autotools, open src/ and add the path to the source of the basicStats plugin in libtcpWin_la_CFLAGS as outlined below

vi src/


libtcpWin_la_CFLAGS = \
        -I$(top_srcdir)/../../utils \
        -I$(top_srcdir)/../../tranalyzer2/src \  # <-- Do not forget to add a backslash!! TODO
        -I$(top_srcdir)/../../basicStats/src     # <-- TODO

libtcpWin_la_CFLAGS += -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE  # macOS specific flags
libtcpWin_la_CFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE


Then your plugin does its job for all build methods. Fine, now try to build your changes and see whether it complains.

After you edited the skeleton code you should compare your implementation with tcpWin09.tar.gz.

If all is good run t2 on the pcap, otherwise, debug. If you have difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact the Anteater.

t2build tcpWin

t2 -r ~/data/annoloc2.pcap -w ~/results

Tranalyzer 0.9.0 (Anteater), Cobra. PID: 6508, SID: 666
[INF] Creating flows for L2, IPv4, IPv6
Active plugins:
    01: basicFlow, 0.9.0
    02: basicStats, 0.9.0
    03: tcpStates, 0.9.0
    04: tcpWin, 0.9.0
    05: txtSink, 0.9.0
[INF] IPv4 Ver: 5, Rev: 09082023, Range Mode: 0, subnet ranges loaded: 481503 (481.50 K)
[INF] IPv6 Ver: 5, Rev: 09082023, Range Mode: 0, subnet ranges loaded: 41497 (41.50 K)
Processing file: /home/wurst/data/annoloc2.pcap
Link layer type: Ethernet [EN10MB/1]
Snapshot length: 66
Dump start: 1022171701.691172000 sec (Thu 23 May 2002 16:35:01 GMT)
[WRN] snapL2Length: 54 - snapL3Length: 40 - IP length in header: 1500
basicStats: Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 57 [0.00%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 2622 (2.62 K) [0.00%] bytes
basicStats: Biggest L3 flow talker: (JP): 23601 (23.60 K) [1.94%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L3 flow talker: (JP): 33731054 (33.73 M) [52.64%] bytes
tcpStates: Aggregated tcpStatesAFlags=0xdf
tcpWin: Aggregated tcpWinStat=0x01
tcpWin: Number of TCP winsize packets below threshold 1: 2415 (2.42 K) [0.25%]
tcpWin: IP:, country: jp, org: ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION

tcpWin reports the same values as before, nice!

Change to your results window and look at the flow file. You will notice that the relative measure matches the ones from previous tutorials. At least record displayed might convince you that plugin dependency works.

tcol ~/results/annoloc2_flows.txt

%dir  flowInd  flowStat            timeFirst             timeLast              duration     numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc       srcMac             dstMac             ethType  vlanID  srcIP            srcIPCC  srcIPOrg                          srcPort  dstIP            dstIPCC  dstIPOrg                          dstPort  l4Proto  numPktsSnt  numPktsRcvd  numBytesSnt  numBytesRcvd  minPktSz  maxPktSz  avePktSize  stdPktSize  minIAT  maxIAT    aveIAT      stdIAT      pktps     bytps     pktAsm  bytAsm  tcpStatesAFlags  tcpWinStat  tcpWinIpTTL  tcpInitWinSz  tcpWinThCnt  tcpWinSzThRt
A     265      0x0400000000004000  1022171701.709116000  1022171701.709116000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:fc:0e:21:56  0x0800    ca       "TELUS Communications Inc"        4987  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         41250    6        1           0            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         1       0       0xc3             0x01        117          0             1            1
A     447      0x0400000000004000  1022171701.721366000  1022171701.721366000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:fc:3b:62:78  0x0800     gb       "BT Infrastructure Layer"         58872  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         80       6        1           0            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         1       0       0xc3             0x01        44           0             1            1
A     392      0x0400000000004000  1022171701.716998000  1022171701.716998000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:bf:59:85:48  0x0800    jp       "SoftBank Corp"                   4685   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1214     6        1           1            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       0       0x03             0x00        105          64240         0            0
B     392      0x0400000000004001  1022171701.732313000  1022171701.732313000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:50:bf:59:85:48  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800    jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1214   jp       "SoftBank Corp"                   4685     6        1           1            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       0       0x43             0x01        128          0             1            1
A     906      0x0400000000004000  1022171701.816638000  1022171701.816638000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:60:08:69:80:dd  0x0800     us       "Federal Express Corp"            5001   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         80       6        1           1            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       0       0x03             0x00        236          32768         0            0
B     906      0x0400000000004001  1022171701.817195000  1022171701.817195000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:60:08:69:80:dd  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800    jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         80    us       "Federal Express Corp"            5001     6        1           1            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       0       0x43             0x01        128          0             1            1
A     1027     0x0400000000004000  1022171701.872817000  1022171701.872817000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:80:48:b3:13:27  0x0800   gb       "Norwich Union Insurance Limite"  2849  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         6346     6        1           1            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       0       0x03             0x00        115          16384         0            0
B     1027     0x0400000000004001  1022171701.873426000  1022171701.873426000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:80:48:b3:13:27  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         6346  gb       "Norwich Union Insurance Limite"  2849     6        1           1            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       0       0x43             0x01        255          0             1            1
A     1154     0x0400000000004000  1022171701.939627000  1022171701.939627000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:bf:59:85:48  0x0800    gb       "UK PA route"                     3286   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1214     6        1           1            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       0       0x03             0x00        111          16384         0            0
B     1154     0x0400000000004001  1022171701.947575000  1022171701.947575000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:50:bf:59:85:48  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800    jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1214   gb       "UK PA route"                     3286     6        1           1            0            0             0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       0       0x43             0x01        128          0             1            1
A     867      0x0400000200004000  1022171701.805350000  1022171701.805350000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:60:b0:b5:da:10  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800    jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         6666     id       "PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia"     1108     6        1           1            137          0             137       137       137         0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       1       0x03             0x00        64           5840          0            0
B     867      0x0400000000004001  1022171702.012658000  1022171702.012658000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:60:b0:b5:da:10  0x0800      id       "PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia"     1108   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         6666     6        1           1            0            137           0         0         0           0           0       0         0           0           0         0         0       -1      0x43             0x01        112          0             1            1
A     864      0x0400000200004000  1022171701.805329000  1022171702.066438000  0.261109000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:60:b0:ec:34:27  0x0800      us       "MAINT-APNIC-AP"                  6667  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         45891    6        3           3            324          0             0         185       108         59.8867     0       0.214542  0.08703634  0.06619374  11.48946  1240.861  0       1       0x03             0x00        56           33580         0            0
B     864      0x0400000000004001  1022171701.806695000  1022171702.066682000  0.259987000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:60:b0:ec:34:27  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         45891     us       "MAINT-APNIC-AP"                  6667     6        3           3            0            324           0         0         0           0           0       0.206711  0.08666233  0.06270833  11.53904  0         0       -1      0x43             0x01        64           62780         1            0.3333333

As an exercise, try to use more information from the basicStats plugin structure. If you use variables which can be influenced by a reconfiguration of basicStats you need to apply the same compiler pragmas as in bSFlow_t.

Make your plugin a dependency

As an exercise, in addition to share tcpWinFlows, we will make a pointer to the gwz structure available to other plugins. We will then use this dependency in the Plugin Sink tutorial. This is very easy, open tcpWin.h and look at the end of the file:


vi src/tcpWin.h


// Plugin structure

typedef struct { // always large variables first to limit memory fragmentation
    uint32_t tcpWinInit; // initial window size
    uint32_t winThCnt;   // win undershoot count
    uint8_t  ttl;        // TTL
    uint8_t  stat;       // plugin flow status
} tcpWinFlow_t;

// plugin struct pointer for potential dependencies
extern tcpWinFlow_t *tcpWinFlows;
extern gwz_t *gwzP;  // <--


The extern tcpWinFlow_t *tcpWinFlows; statement assures that whoever includes your tcpWin.h file will have access to the tcpWinFlow_t flow memory. Any plugin global variable or structure you define here as extern is in principle available for other plugins to access.

The real pointers to the whole struct flow memory have to be defined in your tcpWin.c file as global variables.

vi src/tcpWin.c


 * Plugin variables that may be used by other plugins MUST be declared in
 * the header file as 'extern tcpWinFlow_t *tcpWinFlows;'

tcpWinFlow_t *tcpWinFlows;
gwz_t *gwzP;                // <--


void t2Init() {

    gwzP = &gwz;  // <-- Global pointer for plugin dependencies

So the tcpWinFlows structure of tcpWin was already eligible as a dependency.


You can download the final version of the tcpWin plugin.

The next tutorial will teach you how to implement the alarm mode.

Have fun writing plugins!

See also