Force mode



This tutorial details the use of the Force mode of the Anteater, which enables the user to produce packet based plugin controlled flow release. Hence, any plugin can invoke an internal signal to release a specific flow at any time. An easy way to simulate L2-7 content based flow release which immediately produces a flow when a certain packet of interest is detected. The following plugins implement the force mode:


In order to do so, we need to prepare T2. If you did not complete the tutorials before, just follow the procedure described below.

First, restore T2 into a pristine state by removing all unnecessary or older plugins from the plugin folder ~/.tranalyzer/plugins and compile only basicFlow, basicStats, tcpStates and txtSink.

t2build -e -y

Are you sure you want to empty the plugin folder '/home/wurst/.tranalyzer/plugins' (y/N)? yes
Plugin folder emptied
t2build tranalyzer2 basicFlow basicStats tcpStates txtSink


If you did not create a separate data and results directory yet, please do it now in another cmd window, that facilitates your workflow:

mkdir ~/data ~/results

The anonymized sample PCAP being used here, can be downloaded here: faf-exercise.pcap. Please extract it under your data folder. Now you are all set for T2 force mode experiments.

Core force control

The Force mode controls of the Anteater are residing in the tranalyzer.h file:


vi src/tranalyzer.h

// Tranalyzer User Operational modes

// Operation modes, Plugins which use these modes have to be recompiled

#define ALARM_MODE 0 // only flow output if an Alarm based plugin fires
#define ALARM_AND  0 // if (ALARM_MODE == 1) then 1: AND, 0: OR

#define FORCE_MODE 0 // netflow mode: parameter induced flow termination, implemented by plugins
#define BLOCK_BUF  0 // block unnecessary buffer output when non tranalyzer format event-based plugins are active: e.g. Syslog, ArcSight crap

#define USE_T2BUS  0 // XXX experimental (not implemented yet)

To enable the force mode edit tranalyzer.h and set FORCE_MODE=1 or use t2conf as shown below, then rebuild all loaded plugins. Several plugins can trigger an alarm concurrently, as we do not know what kind of plugin armada you might develop in future.

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D FORCE_MODE=1 && t2build -R

Now the force mode is activated in the core and all plugins which implement it.

Plugin force register and control

Plugins which implement the FORCE mode are basicStats, dnsDecode and radiusDecode.

Let’s look at basicStats first.


ls src

basicStats.c  basicStats.h

Open basicStats.c in an editor, move to the bl_claimInfo(...) function and search for the FORCE_MODE macro. If numTBytes or numTPkts are about to be overrun by the next packet the current flow is terminated and a new flow begins. The macro T2_RM_FLOW(flowP) does all that for you, so you could now add the force mode to other plugins to your liking in a heartbeat.

vi src/basicStats.c

static inline void bl_claimInfo(packet_t *packet, unsigned long flowIndex) {
        bSFlow_t * const bSFlowP = &bSFlow[flowIndex];
#if FORCE_MODE == 1
        if (UNLIKELY(UINT64_MAX - bSFlowP->numTBytes < ipLength || bSFlowP->numTPkts >= UINT64_MAX)) {
                flow_t * const flowP = &flows[flowIndex];
#endif // FORCE_MODE == 1

If you are interested to add the force mode to your own plugin please refer to the plugin force mode tutorial. Now let’s see how it works by changing the threshold of numTPkts down to 1023. Just copy the original line for easier change back.

#if FORCE_MODE == 1
        //if (UNLIKELY(UINT64_MAX - bSFlowP->numTBytes < ipLength || bSFlowP->numTPkts >= UINT64_MAX)) {
        if (UNLIKELY(UINT64_MAX - bSFlowP->numTBytes < ipLength || bSFlowP->numTPkts >= 1023)) {
                flow_t * const flowP = &flows[flowIndex];
#endif // FORCE_MODE == 1

Now recompile basicStats and run t2:

t2build basicStats

t2 -r ~/data/faf-exercise.pcap -w ~/results

So 3 flows terminated early. The released flows are flagged in the flowStat column by the RMFLOW bit, as define in flow.h in the T2 core: Note, the 4th line of the report, T2 informs about the [FORCE] mode.

The flowStat also contains the information that this flow was forcefully terminate.

tawk -V flowStat=0x0400020000004000

The flowStat column with value 0x0400020000004000 is to be interpreted as follows:

   bit | flowStat              | Description
    14 | 0x0000 0000 0000 4000 | IPv4 flow
    41 | 0x0000 0200 0000 0000 | Force mode: remove this flow instantly
    58 | 0x0400 0000 0000 0000 | IPv4 packet

So we can select all early terminated flows:

tawk 'bitsanyset($flowStat, 0x0000020000000000)' ~/results/faf-exercise_flows.txt | tcol

%dir  flowInd  flowStat            timeFirst          timeLast           duration  numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc       srcMac             dstMac             ethType  vlanID  srcIP          srcIPCC  srcIPOrg  srcPort  dstIP          dstIPCC  dstIPOrg           dstPort  l4Proto  numPktsSnt  numPktsRcvd  numBytesSnt  numBytesRcvd  minPktSz  maxPktSz  avePktSize  stdPktSize  minIAT  maxIAT    aveIAT       stdIAT      pktps     bytps     pktAsm     bytAsm  tcpStatesAFlags
B     36       0x0400020000004001  1258594163.487027  1258594172.495175  9.008148  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:19:e3:e7:5d:23  00:08:74:38:01:b4  0x0800   us       "Dell"    64334  07       "Private network"  49330    6        1023        523          1405365      0             0         1380      1373.768    84.85606    0       0.67109   0.008805609  0.03729355  113.5639  156010.4  0.3234153  1       0x02
A     37       0x0400020000004000  1258594172.495183  1258594178.674264  6.179081  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:19:e3:e7:5d:23  00:08:74:38:01:b4  0x0800   us       "Dell"    64334  07       "Private network"  49330    6        1023        478          1410797      0             696       1380      1379.078    22.22461    0       0.124927  0.006040155  0.02058982  165.5586  228318.2  0.3630913  1       0x03
A     38       0x0400020000004000  1258594178.674299  1258594184.879209  6.204910  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:19:e3:e7:5d:23  00:08:74:38:01:b4  0x0800   us       "Dell"    64334  07       "Private network"  49330    6        1023        486          1410771      0             529       1380      1379.053    25.77088    0       0.079432  0.006065406  0.02059324  164.8694  227363.7  0.3558648  1       0x03

So numPktsSnt does not exceed 1023 as requested. Please, DO NOT forget to switch back to the original condition for the next tutorial by removing our changes to basicStats.c and uncomment the original line.

The plugin dnsDecode terminates flows when arrays which hold DNS names, so it acts on DNS_QRECMAX or DNS_ARECMAX:


vi src/dnsDecode.h

/* ========================================================================== */
/* ------------------------ USER CONFIGURATION FLAGS ------------------------ */
/* ========================================================================== */

#define DNS_MODE         4 // 0: Only aggregated header info,
                           // 1: +Req Content Info,
                           // 2: +Answer Records,
                           // 3: +AUX records,
                           // 4: +Add records
#define DNS_HEXON        0 // 0: Hex Output flags off, 1: Hex output flags on
#define DNS_REQA         0 // 1: Request record aggregation mode
#define DNS_ANSA         0 // 1: Answer record aggregation mode
#define DNS_QRECMAX     15 // Max # of query records / flow
#define DNS_ARECMAX     20 // Max # of answer records / flow

#define DNS_WHO          0 // 1: Country and Organization of DNS reply address; 0: no

#define MAL_TEST         0 // 2: Mal test @ L4Callback, pcap ops; 1: Mal test @ flow terminated
#define MAL_TYPE         1 // 1: Type string; 0: Code

/* +++++++++++++++++++++ ENV / RUNTIME - conf Variables +++++++++++++++++++++ */

/*        No env / runtime configuration flags available for dnsDecode        */

/* ========================================================================== */
/* ------------------------- DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE ------------------------- */
/* ========================================================================== */

As an exercise, release DNS flows if there is more than one reply record in the flow, e.g., set DNS_ARECMAX to 2. Unload basicStats to reduce complexity of the flow output and run T2 on this pcap 2015-05-08-traffic-analysis-exercise.pcap (Source:

t2build -u basicStats

t2conf dnsDecode -D DNS_ARECMAX=2 && t2build dnsDecode

t2 -r ~/data/2015-05-08-traffic-analysis-exercise.pcap -w ~/results

So 8 flows are terminate forcefully.

Select the terminated flows:

tawk 'bitsanyset($flowStat, 0x0000020000000000)' ~/results/2015-05-08-traffic-analysis-exercise_flows.txt | tcol

%dir  flowInd  flowStat            timeFirst          timeLast           duration  numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc       srcMac             dstMac             ethType  vlanID  srcIP          srcIPCC  srcIPOrg           srcPort  dstIP            dstIPCC  dstIPOrg           dstPort  l4Proto  tcpStatesAFlags  dnsStat  dnsHdrOPField  dnsHFlg_OpC_RetC    dnsCntQu_Asw_Aux_Add  dnsAAAqF  dnsQname                                                                         dnsAname                                                                            dnsAPname  dns4Aaddress             dns6Aaddress  dnsQType  dnsQClass  dnsAType  dnsAClass  dnsATTL  dnsMXpref  dnsSRVprio  dnsSRVwgt  dnsSRVprt  dnsOptStat
B     1        0x0400020000004001  1431031896.874326  1431031896.874326  0.000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:udp  00:00:00:00:00:00  00:00:00:00:00:00  0x0800   07       "Private network"  53  07       "Private network"  60078    17       0x00             0x0801   0x8180         0x98_0x0001_0x0001  1_1_0_0               1.168421  ""  "";""  "";"";                  1         1          1;0       1;0        29;0     0;0        0;0         0;0        0;0        0x00000000;0x00000000
B     3        0x0400020000004001  1431031897.655926  1431031897.655926  0.000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:udp  00:00:00:00:00:00  00:00:00:00:00:00  0x0800   07       "Private network"  53  07       "Private network"  65315    17       0x00             0x0801   0x8180         0x98_0x0001_0x0001  1_1_0_0               1.170213  ""   "";""   "";"";                  1         1          1;0       1;0        29;0     0;0        0;0         0;0        0;0        0x00000000;0x00000000
B     4        0x0400020000004001  1431031897.669844  1431031897.669844  0.000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:udp  00:00:00:00:00:00  00:00:00:00:00:00  0x0800   07       "Private network"  53  07       "Private network"  50683    17       0x00             0x0801   0x8180         0x98_0x0001_0x0001  1_1_0_0               1.172043  ""    "";""    "";"";                  1         1          1;0       1;0        29;0     0;0        0;0         0;0        0;0        0x00000000;0x00000000
B     13       0x0400020000004001  1431031902.778136  1431031902.778136  0.000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:udp  00:00:00:00:00:00  00:00:00:00:00:00  0x0800   07       "Private network"  53  07       "Private network"  53571    17       0x00             0x0801   0x8180         0x98_0x0001_0x0001  1_1_0_0               1.571429  ""                                                                     "";""                                                                     "";"";                1         1          1;0       1;0        21599;0  0;0        0;0         0;0        0;0        0x00000000;0x00000000
B     17       0x0400020000004001  1431031903.089942  1431031903.089942  0.000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:udp  00:00:00:00:00:00  00:00:00:00:00:00  0x0800   07       "Private network"  53  07       "Private network"  61720    17       0x00             0x0801   0x8180         0x98_0x0001_0x0001  1_1_0_0               1.571429  ""                                                                     "";""                                                                     "";"";                1         1          1;0       1;0        14069;0  0;0        0;0         0;0        0;0        0x00000000;0x00000000
B     20       0x0400020000004001  1431031903.507883  1431031903.507883  0.000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:udp  00:00:00:00:00:00  00:00:00:00:00:00  0x0800   07       "Private network"  53  07       "Private network"  56753    17       0x00             0x0801   0x8180         0x98_0x0001_0x0001  1_1_0_0               1.444444  ""                                                             "";""                                                             "";"";                    1         1          1;0       1;0        13888;0  0;0        0;0         0;0        0;0        0x00000000;0x00000000
B     28       0x0400020000004001  1431031941.364104  1431031941.364104  0.000000  1           3        eth:ipv4:udp  00:00:00:00:00:00  00:00:00:00:00:00  0x0800   07       "Private network"  53  07       "Private network"  50329    17       0x00             0x0801   0x8180         0x98_0x0001_0x0001  1_1_0_0               1.326531  ""                                                "";""

You may also change DNS_QREMAX, this might be useful if you are interested in only one query/answer per flow at the arrival of a packet not on flow terminate. This homework for the reader.


Do not forget revert our code change in basicStats.c.

So the code of basicStats should look like this again

#if FORCE_MODE == 1
        if (UNLIKELY(UINT64_MAX - bSFlowP->numTBytes < ipLength || bSFlowP->numTPkts >= UINT64_MAX)) {
                flow_t * const flowP = &flows[flowIndex];
#endif // FORCE_MODE == 1

And reset the config to default for the other tutorials.

t2conf --reset -a && t2build -R

Have fun experimenting!