Flow masking and ranging aggregation


Flow masking and ranging aggregation, WTF?

Imagine you are interested in flow based statistics of traffic between networks or between certain port ranges, or you like to get rid of VLANs or protocols? You are not? Go to some place else and make yourself useful. If yes, keep on reading.

Note, I’m not talking about the different L3/4 operational modes already listed in The basics tutorial. They are discussed in the L2/3 flow aggregation modes tutorial.

In this tutorial we explore the masking and ranging flexibility to redefine flows. So the option to remove one of these parameters or aggregate several IPs in one flow, e.g. all /24 or according to country and organization.


First, restore T2 into a pristine state by removing all unnecessary or older plugins from the plugin folder ~/.tranalyzer/plugins:

t2build -e -y

Are you sure you want to empty the plugin folder '/home/wurst/.tranalyzer/plugins' (y/N)? yes
Plugin folder emptied

Then compile the core (tranalyzer2) and the following plugins:

t2build tranalyzer2 basicFlow basicStats connStat txtSink


If you did not create a separate data and results directory yet, please do it now in another bash window, that facilitates your workflow:

mkdir ~/data ~/results

The sample PCAPs used in this tutorial can be downloaded here:

Please save them in your ~/data folder.

Now you are all set!

T2 flow aggregation scheme

The constants controlling the flow aggregation are residing in tranalyzer.h. Open the file and search for // Aggregation modes as shown below:


vi src/tranalyzer.h

#define SUBNET_ON       1 // Core control of subnet function for plugins

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------- DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING BLOCKS -------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// Aggregation modes
#define L4PROT  0x01
#define DSTPORT 0x02
#define SRCPORT 0x04
#define DSTIP   0x08
#define SRCIP   0x10
#define VLANID  0x20
#define SUBNET  0x80

// SUBNET mode: IP flow aggregation network masks
#define CNTRY_MSK 0xff800000
#define TOR_MSK   0x00400000
#define ORG_MSK   0x003fffff

#define NETIDMSK  (CNTRY_MSK | ORG_MSK) // netID mask

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// Flow Aggregation
#define AGGREGATIONFLAG 0x00 // each bit: 1: aggregation activated, see aggregation modes defines above

#define SRCIP4CMSK 24 // src IPv4 aggregation CIDR mask
#define DSTIP4CMSK 24 // dst IPv4 aggregation CIDR mask

#define SRCIP6CMSK 120 // src IPv6 aggregation CIDR mask
#define DSTIP6CMSK 120 // dst IPv6 aggregation CIDR mask

#define SRCPORTLW 1    // src port lower bound
#define SRCPORTHW 1024 // src port upper bound

#define DSTPORTLW 1    // dst port lower bound
#define DSTPORTHW 1024 // dst port upper bound

The aggregation modes define a specific bit in the eight bit AGGREGATIONFLAG. Default is 0x00, so normal six tuple aggregation. From L4PROT to VLANID the aggregation operates directly on the 6-tuple hash resulting in accumulation of packets from different 6-tuple flows. If SUBNET is set the subnet tables are loaded as if SUBNET_ON is activated. Both are mutual exclusive, so SUBNET_ON can be 0 while the AGGREGATIONFLAG = SUBNET. In the following the activation of each mode is discussed. Let’s start simple with the network IP aggregation.

Network flow aggregation

Imagine you are interested in traffic only flowing between networks. e.g. to or from to all outside networks. Or even better aggregate all traffic between universities of China and a specific corporation in USA, would that be neat? That will be possible in a later 0.8.x version. The practically tested and successful method of imposing a mask on the src or dst IP in the hash definition is currently the best alternative.

Switch on SRCIP and DSTIP, it does not make any sense to switch only one on, as we cannot know before the packets is sorted into a masked flow which network mask is to apply. Try the default /24 mask.

The following configs are equivalent:

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG="(SRCIP | DSTIP)"

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x18

Then compile and execute t2:

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x18 && t2build -R

t2conf tranalyzer2 -G AGGREGATIONFLAG

t2 -r ~/data/annoloc2.pcap -w ~/results

Tranalyzer 0.9.1 (Anteater), Cobra. PID: 58016, Prio: 0, SID: 666
[INF] Creating flows for L2, IPv4, IPv6
Active plugins:
    01: basicFlow, 0.9.1
    02: basicStats, 0.9.1
    03: connStat, 0.9.1
    04: txtSink, 0.9.1
[INF] IPv4 Ver: 5, Rev: 09082023, Range Mode: 0, subnet ranges loaded: 481438 (481.44 K)
[INF] IPv6 Ver: 5, Rev: 09082023, Range Mode: 0, subnet ranges loaded: 41486 (41.49 K)
Processing file: /home/user/data/annoloc2.pcap
Link layer type: Ethernet [EN10MB/1]
Snapshot length: 66
Dump start: 1022171701.691172000 sec (Thu 23 May 2002 16:35:01 GMT)
[WRN] snapL2Length: 54 - snapL3Length: 40 - IP length in header: 1500
Dump stop : 1022171726.640398000 sec (Thu 23 May 2002 16:35:26 GMT)
Total dump duration: 24.949226000 sec
Finished processing. Elapsed time: 0.516786744 sec
Finished unloading flow memory. Time: 0.729231992 sec
Percentage completed: 100.00%
Number of processed packets: 1219015 (1.22 M)
Number of processed bytes: 64082726 (64.08 M)
Number of raw bytes: 844642686 (844.64 M)
Number of pad bytes: 8591685635 (8.59 G)
Number of pcap bytes: 83586990 (83.59 M)
Number of IPv4 packets: 1218588 (1.22 M) [99.96%]
Number of IPv6 packets: 180 [0.01%]
Number of A packets: 564213 (564.21 K) [46.28%]
Number of B packets: 654802 (654.80 K) [53.72%]
Number of A bytes: 29447146 (29.45 M) [45.95%]
Number of B bytes: 34635580 (34.64 M) [54.05%]
<A packet load>: 52.19
<B packet load>: 52.89
basicStats: Flow max(pktload): 1480 (1.48 K)
basicStats: Flow max(b/s), pkts: 19015999488 (19.02 Gb/s), 2
basicStats: Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 57 [0.00%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 2622 (2.62 K) [0.00%] bytes
basicStats: Biggest L3 flow talker: (JP): 23601 (23.60 K) [1.94%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L3 flow talker: (JP): 33731054 (33.73 M) [52.64%] bytes
connStat: Number of unique source IPs: 2498 (2.50 K)
connStat: Number of unique destination IPs: 1816 (1.82 K)
connStat: Number of unique source/destination IPs connections: 186
connStat: Max unique number of source IP / destination port connections: 407
connStat: IP connF=connSipDprt/connSip: 0.162930
connStat: IP connG=connSipDprt/connSipDip: 2.188172
connStat: Source IP with max connections: (JP): 499 connections
connStat: Destination IP with max connections: (JP): 690 connections
connStat: Biggest L3 talker: (JP): 141530 (141.53 K) [11.61%] packets
connStat: Biggest L3 talker: (JP): 169510114 (169.51 M) [264.52%] bytes

As you can see, basicStats and connStat report now /24 networks. The resulting flow file is a bit shorter, because several IPv4/6 flows are aggregated into /24 or /120 flows respectively.

tail -n 13 ~/results/annoloc2_flows.txt | tcol

B  129   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.710399000  1022171726.638720000  24.928321000  1  3  eth:ipv4:udp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:00:e8:8f:b7:93  0x0800    us  "MAINT-APNIC-AP"                  27005  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  27025  17  1782  1208  65571     153934    28    61    36.7963   6.171654  0  0.071746  0.01398895   0.009389925  71.48495  2630.382  0.1919732    -0.4025558  1  1  1  1  1    1  0     4198402
A  1109  0x0400000200004000  1022171701.919937000  1022171726.638720000  24.718783000  1  3  eth:ipv4:icmp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:00:1c:b6:1a:53  0x0800  at  "MYSYS-MNT"                       0  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  0      1   104   0     2912      0         28    28    28        2.745626  0  0.249289  0.2376806    0.03044914   4.207327  117.8052  1            1           1  1  1  1  1    1  104   2912
A  324   0x0400000200004000  1022171701.712093000  1022171726.638722000  24.926629000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:bf:08:44:81  0x0800    us  "MAINT-APNIC-AP"                  65230  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  58290  6   9459  5223  13696632  0         1448  1448  1448      14.88834  0  0.067445  0.00263523   0.006631293  379.4737  549477.9  0.2885166    1           1  2  2  2  2    1  9459  13696632
B  324   0x0400000000004001  1022171701.713111000  1022171726.639230000  24.926119000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:50:bf:08:44:81  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         58290    us  "MAINT-APNIC-AP"           65230  6   5223  9459  0         13696632  0     0     0         0         0  0.066113  0.004772384  0.008416669  209.5392  0         -0.2885166   -1          2  1  1  1  0.5  1  0     4198402
A  473   0x0400000000004000  1022171701.723484000  1022171726.638724000  24.915240000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:da:68:7f:84  0x0800    us  "EthrNet LLC"                     13600  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  20     6   864   1295  0         1767728   0     0     0         0         0  0.068622  0.02883708   0.01269573   34.67757  0         -0.1996295   -1          1  1  2  2  2    1  864   0
B  473   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.724443000  1022171726.640395000  24.915952000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:50:da:68:7f:84  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         20    us  "EthrNet LLC"              13600  6   1295  864   1767728   0         1176  1460  1365.041  140.3612  0  0.112955  0.01924014   0.02731735   51.97474  70947.64  0.1996295    1           1  1  1  1  1    1  0     4198402
A  703   0x0400000200004000  1022171701.755879000  1022171726.638725000  24.882846000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:10:a7:02:4d:33  0x0800     us  "Allstream Business US"           6699  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  2603   6   32    28    33280     96        666   1414  1040      418.7997  0  2.251048  0.777589     0.9006743    1.286026  1337.468  0.06666667   0.9942474   1  2  2  2  2    1  32    33280
B  703   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.902659000  1022171726.640383000  24.737724000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:10:a7:02:4d:33  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         2603     us  "Allstream Business US"    6699   6   28    32    96        33280     0     8     3.428571  4.210036  0  2.292653  0.88349      0.8520955    1.131875  3.880713  -0.06666667  -0.9942474  2  1  1  1  0.5  1  0     4198402
A  9150  0x0400000200004000  1022171726.638730000  1022171726.638730000  0.000000000   1  3  eth:ipv4:udp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:04:75:85:fd:a2  0x0800    jp  "imported inetnum object for JN"  64251  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  1112   17  1     0     6         0         6     6     6         6         0  0         0            0            0         0         1            1           1  1  1  1  1    1  6     36
A  21    0x0400000200004000  1022171701.691707000  1022171726.638737000  24.947030000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:00:e8:87:02:d1  0x0800  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1103  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  445    6   543   985   1701      1407845   0     63    3.132597  13.76817  0  0.589     0.04594295   0.03578168   21.76612  68.18447  -0.289267    -0.9975864  1  1  2  2  2    1  5762  20820
B  21    0x0400000200004001  1022171701.692758000  1022171726.640391000  24.947633000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:00:e8:87:02:d1  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         445  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  1103   6   985   543   1407845   1701      183   1460  1429.284  196.5858  0  0.889418  0.02532757   0.0522222    39.4827   56432     0.289267     0.9975864   1  1  1  1  1    1  0     4198402
A  1035  0x0400000000004000  1022171701.876636000  1022171726.639226000  24.762590000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:01:02:b4:36:56  0x0800    jp  "Meiji University"                4766  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  80     6   1692  2729  0         3970812   0     0     0         0         0  0.614191  0.01463511   0.04707645   68.32888  0         -0.2345623   -1          1  1  2  2  2    1  8168  0
B  1035  0x0400000200004001  1022171701.877349000  1022171726.639232000  24.761883000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:01:02:b4:36:56  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         80    jp  "Meiji University"         4766   6   2729  1692  3970812   0         0     1460  1455.043  76.06284  0  0.480045  0.009073598  0.03994242   110.2097  160359.9  0.2345623    1           1  1  1  1  1    1  0     4198402

Note the IP which is masked with SRCIP4CMSK and DSTIP4CMSK. If a list of IP contained in a flow is desired set the constant BFO_SUBNET_IPLIST in basicFlow.h to 1. The number of IPs displayed is defined by the constant BFO_MAX_IP, by default 5.


vi src/basicFlow.h

#define BFO_SUBNET_IPLIST      0 // 0: Display only the IP masked by SRCIP4/6CMSK and DSTIP4/6CMSK
                                 // 1: Display a list of IP aggregated
// Maximum number of values to store

#define BFO_MAX_HDRDESC 4 // Maximum number of headers descriptions to store
#define BFO_MAX_MAC     3 // Maximum different MAC addresses to output
#define BFO_MAX_IP      5 // Maximum different IP addresses to output
#define BFO_MAX_MPLS    3 // Maximum MPLS headers/tags to output
#define BFO_MAX_VLAN    3 // Maximum VLAN headers/numbers to output

Set BFO_SUBNET_IPLIST=1, recompile basicFlow and rerun T2 on the same pcap.

t2conf basicFlow -D BFO_SUBNET_IPLIST=1 && t2build basicFlow

t2 -r ~/data/annoloc2.pcap -w ~/results/

tail -n 13 ~/results/annoloc2_flows.txt | tcol

B  129   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.710399000  1022171726.638720000  24.928321000  1  3  eth:ipv4:udp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:00:e8:8f:b7:93  0x0800;  us  "MAINT-APNIC-AP"                  27005   jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  27025  17  1782  1208  65571     153934    28    61    36.7963   6.171654  0  0.071746  0.01398895   0.009389925  71.48495  2630.382  0.1919732    -0.4025558  1  1  1  1  1    1  0     4198402
A  1109  0x0400000200004000  1022171701.919937000  1022171726.638720000  24.718783000  1  3  eth:ipv4:icmp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:00:1c:b6:1a:53  0x0800               at  "MYSYS-MNT"                       0  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  0      1   104   0     2912      0         28    28    28        2.745626  0  0.249289  0.2376806    0.03044914   4.207327  117.8052  1            1           1  1  1  1  1    1  104   2912
A  324   0x0400000200004000  1022171701.712093000  1022171726.638722000  24.926629000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:bf:08:44:81  0x0800                us  "MAINT-APNIC-AP"                  65230  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  58290  6   9459  5223  13696632  0         1448  1448  1448      14.88834  0  0.067445  0.00263523   0.006631293  379.4737  549477.9  0.2885166    1           1  2  2  2  2    1  9459  13696632
B  324   0x0400000000004001  1022171701.713111000  1022171726.639230000  24.926119000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:50:bf:08:44:81  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800              jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         58290    us  "MAINT-APNIC-AP"           65230  6   5223  9459  0         13696632  0     0     0         0         0  0.066113  0.004772384  0.008416669  209.5392  0         -0.2885166   -1          2  1  1  1  0.5  1  0     4198402
A  473   0x0400000000004000  1022171701.723484000  1022171726.638724000  24.915240000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:da:68:7f:84  0x0800                us  "EthrNet LLC"                     13600  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  20     6   864   1295  0         1767728   0     0     0         0         0  0.068622  0.02883708   0.01269573   34.67757  0         -0.1996295   -1          1  1  2  2  2    1  864   0
B  473   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.724443000  1022171726.640395000  24.915952000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:50:da:68:7f:84  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800              jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         20    us  "EthrNet LLC"              13600  6   1295  864   1767728   0         1176  1460  1365.041  140.3612  0  0.112955  0.01924014   0.02731735   51.97474  70947.64  0.1996295    1           1  1  1  1  1    1  0     4198402
A  703   0x0400000200004000  1022171701.755879000  1022171726.638725000  24.882846000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:10:a7:02:4d:33  0x0800                  us  "Allstream Business US"           6699  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  2603   6   32    28    33280     96        666   1414  1040      418.7997  0  2.251048  0.777589     0.9006743    1.286026  1337.468  0.06666667   0.9942474   1  2  2  2  2    1  32    33280
B  703   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.902659000  1022171726.640383000  24.737724000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:10:a7:02:4d:33  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800              jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         2603      us  "Allstream Business US"    6699   6   28    32    96        33280     0     8     3.428571  4.210036  0  2.292653  0.88349      0.8520955    1.131875  3.880713  -0.06666667  -0.9942474  2  1  1  1  0.5  1  0     4198402
A  9150  0x0400000200004000  1022171726.638730000  1022171726.638730000  0.000000000   1  3  eth:ipv4:udp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:04:75:85:fd:a2  0x0800                jp  "imported inetnum object for JN"  64251  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  1112   17  1     0     6         0         6     6     6         6         0  0         0            0            0         0         1            1           1  1  1  1  1    1  6     36
A  21    0x0400000200004000  1022171701.691707000  1022171726.638737000  24.947030000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:00:e8:87:02:d1  0x0800               jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1103   jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  445    6   543   985   1701      1407845   0     63    3.132597  13.76817  0  0.589     0.04594295   0.03578168   21.76612  68.18447  -0.289267    -0.9975864  1  1  2  2  2    1  5762  20820
B  21    0x0400000200004001  1022171701.692758000  1022171726.640391000  24.947633000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:00:e8:87:02:d1  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800               jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         445   jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  1103   6   985   543   1407845   1701      183   1460  1429.284  196.5858  0  0.889418  0.02532757   0.0522222    39.4827   56432     0.289267     0.9975864   1  1  1  1  1    1  0     4198402
A  1035  0x0400000000004000  1022171701.876636000  1022171726.639226000  24.762590000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:01:02:b4:36:56  0x0800                jp  "Meiji University"                4766  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"  80     6   1692  2729  0         3970812   0     0     0         0         0  0.614191  0.01463511   0.04707645   68.32888  0         -0.2345623   -1          1  1  2  2  2    1  8168  0
B  1035  0x0400000200004001  1022171701.877349000  1022171726.639232000  24.761883000  1  3  eth:ipv4:tcp   00:01:02:b4:36:56  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800              jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         80    jp  "Meiji University"         4766   6   2729  1692  3970812   0         0     1460  1455.043  76.06284  0  0.480045  0.009073598  0.03994242   110.2097  160359.9  0.2345623    1           1  1  1  1  1    1  0     4198402

The first record contains two IP addresses aggregated into one flow. Now try to set the aggregation mask for SRCIP4CMSK and DSTIP4CMSK to 8 using t2conf. Recompile and rerun t2 as home work and see how many IP addresses are now aggregated in one flow.

Port flow aggregation

It serves a good purpose if you are interested in flow reduction with a specific statistically questions on your mind and not being interested in the actual flow content. So don’t load any L7 plugins in carving mode as the state machines get corrupted, as different packets from different six-tuple flows are aggregated.

It can be useful for all plugins which are NOT initiated by ports, all statistical plugins, httpSniffer.

In order to enable the port aggregation mode the following configs are equivalent:


t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x06

Then the constants listed below define the range of ports which be aggregated into port class 1, the rest is shoved into port class 0. The default class 1 is defined by the standardized ports.


vi src/tranalyzer.h

#define AGGREGATIONFLAG  0x00 // each bit: 1 : aggregation activated, see aggregation modes #defines above
#define SRCPORTLW 1     // src port lower bound
#define SRCPORTHW 1024  // src port upper bound
#define DSTPORTLW 1     // dst port lower bound
#define DSTPORTHW 1024  // dst port upper bound

Let’s change the upper range to 23, aka Telnet. So we throw all services into class 1, which should not appear in modern networks anymore. Then switch on the appropriate aggregation mode, recompile the whole core + loaded plugins and rerun t2.

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D SRCPORTHW=23 -D DSTPORTHW=23 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x06 && t2build -R

t2conf tranalyzer2 -G AGGREGATIONFLAG


t2 -r ~/data/annoloc2.pcap -w ~/results/

<span class="code-bold">basicStats:</span> Flow max(pktload): 1460 (1.46 K)
<span class="code-bold">basicStats:</span> Flow max(b/s), pkts: 4712000000 (4.71 Gb/s), 2
<span class="code-bold">basicStats:</span> Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 57 [0.00%] packets
<span class="code-bold">basicStats:</span> Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 2622 (2.62 K) [0.00%] bytes
<span class="code-bold">basicStats:</span> Biggest L3 flow talker: (IE): 30343 (30.34 K) [2.49%] packets
<span class="code-bold">basicStats:</span> Biggest L3 flow talker: (IE): 44264308 (44.26 M) [69.07%] bytes
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> Number of unique source IPs: 3655 (3.65 K)
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> Number of unique destination IPs: 3200 (3.20 K)
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> Number of unique source/destination IPs connections: 4
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> Max unique number of source IP / destination port connections: 586
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> IP connF=connSipDprt/connSip: 0.160328
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> IP connG=connSipDprt/connSipDip: 146.500000
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> Source IP with max connections: (JP): 369 connections
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> Destination IP with max connections: (JP): 400 connections
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> Biggest L3 talker: (JP): 33706 (33.71 K) [2.77%] packets
<span class="code-bold">connStat:</span> Biggest L3 talker: (JP): 48279870 (48.28 M) [75.34%] bytes
Headers count: min: 2, max: 5, avg: 3.01
Number of ARP packets: 247 [0.02%]
Number of GRE packets: 20 [0.00%]
Number of IGMP packets: 12 [0.00%]
Number of ICMP packets: 3059 (3.06 K) [0.25%]
Number of ICMPv6 packets: 11 [0.00%]
Number of TCP packets: 948743 (948.74 K) [77.83%]
Number of TCP bytes: 52643546 (52.64 M) [82.15%]
Number of UDP packets: 266900 (266.90 K) [21.89%]
Number of UDP bytes: 11234272 (11.23 M) [17.53%]
Number of IPv4 fragmented packets: 2284 (2.28 K) [0.19%]
Number of processed      flows: 12971 (12.97 K)
Number of processed L2   flows: 99 [0.76%]
Number of processed IPv4 flows: 12810 (12.81 K) [98.76%]
Number of processed IPv6 flows: 62 [0.48%]
Number of processed A    flows: 7518 (7.52 K) [57.96%]
Number of processed B    flows: 5453 (5.45 K) [42.04%]
Number of request        flows: 7517 (7.52 K) [57.95%]
Number of reply          flows: 5454 (5.45 K) [42.05%]
Total   A/B    flow asymmetry: 0.16
Total req/rply flow asymmetry: 0.16
Number of processed A+B packets/A+B flows: 93.98
Number of processed A   packets/A   flows: 82.26
Number of processed   B packets/  B flows: 110.14
Number of processed total packets/s: 48859.83 (48.86 K)
Number of processed A+B   packets/s: 48859.83 (48.86 K)
Number of processed A     packets/s: 24786.46 (24.79 K)
Number of processed   B   packets/s: 24073.37 (24.07 K)

See! Less flows, because now we aggregate all non port 23 flows into one. Let’s find the first 10 biggest talkers using unencrypted legacy services, you do not want to use anymore in your corporate network:

tawk '$srcPort == 1 { print $srcIP, $numPktsSnt }' ~/results/annoloc2_flows.txt | sort -nr -k2 | head -n 10	8696	5276	5107	4056	3259	3080	2885	2466	2273	2156

Oups, that is bad news.

Protocol flow aggregation

The following configs are equivalent

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=L4PROT

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x01

Enable protocol flow aggregation, recompile and rerun t2 on the pcap.

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x01 && t2build -R

t2conf tranalyzer2 -G AGGREGATIONFLAG

t2 -r ~/data/annoloc2.pcap -w ~/results

basicStats: Flow max(pktload): 1472 (1.47 K)
basicStats: Flow max(b/s), pkts: 4712000000 (4.71 Gb/s), 2
basicStats: Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 57 [0.00%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 2622 (2.62 K) [0.00%] bytes
basicStats: Biggest L3 flow talker: (JP): 23601 (23.60 K) [1.94%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L3 flow talker: (JP): 33731054 (33.73 M) [52.64%] bytes
connStat: Number of unique source IPs: 3774 (3.77 K)
connStat: Number of unique destination IPs: 3090 (3.09 K)
connStat: Number of unique source/destination IPs connections: 182
connStat: Max unique number of source IP / destination port connections: 413
connStat: IP connF=connSipDprt/connSip: 0.109433
connStat: IP connG=connSipDprt/connSipDip: 2.269231
connStat: Source IP with max connections: (JP): 368 connections
connStat: Destination IP with max connections: (JP): 402 connections
connStat: Biggest L3 talker: (JP): 33706 (33.71 K) [2.77%] packets
connStat: Biggest L3 talker: (JP): 48279870 (48.28 M) [75.34%] bytes
Headers count: min: 2, max: 5, avg: 3.01
Number of ARP packets: 247 [0.02%]
Number of GRE packets: 20 [0.00%]
Number of IPv4 fragmented packets: 2284 (2.28 K) [0.19%]
Number of processed      flows: 17102 (17.10 K)
Number of processed L2   flows: 99 [0.58%]
Number of processed IPv4 flows: 16939 (16.94 K) [99.05%]
Number of processed IPv6 flows: 64 [0.37%]
Number of processed A    flows: 9720 (9.72 K) [56.84%]
Number of processed B    flows: 7382 (7.38 K) [43.16%]
Number of request        flows: 9677 (9.68 K) [56.58%]
Number of reply          flows: 7425 (7.42 K) [43.42%]
Total   A/B    flow asymmetry: 0.14
Total req/rply flow asymmetry: 0.13
Number of processed A+B packets/A+B flows: 71.28
Number of processed A   packets/A   flows: 58.05
Number of processed   B packets/  B flows: 88.70
Number of processed total packets/s: 48859.83 (48.86 K)
Number of processed A+B   packets/s: 48859.83 (48.86 K)
Number of processed A     packets/s: 22615.09 (22.61 K)
Number of processed   B   packets/s: 26244.74 (26.24 K)

Now the protocol field is forced to 0 in the hash, and all flows are aggregated independently of the l4proto field of the IP header.

tawk 't2sort(numPktsSnt, 10)' ~/results/annoloc2_flows.txt | tcol

%dir  flowInd  flowStat            timeFirst             timeLast              duration      numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc       srcMac             dstMac             ethType  vlanID  srcIP            srcIPCC  srcIPOrg                          srcPort  dstIP            dstIPCC  dstIPOrg                          dstPort  l4Proto  numPktsSnt  numPktsRcvd  numBytesSnt  numBytesRcvd  minPktSz  maxPktSz  avePktSize  stdPktSize  minIAT  maxIAT    aveIAT        stdIAT       pktps     bytps     pktAsm     bytAsm      connSip  connDip  connSipDip  connSipDprt  connF  connG      connNumPCnt  connNumBCnt
B     91       0x0400800200004001  1022171701.699480000  1022171726.636773000  24.937293000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:00:21:d2:cc:72  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800    jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         139   jp       "Asahi Kasei Networks Corporati"  3429     0        23601       12342        33731054     42462         6         1460      1429.221    189.5272    0       0.253336  0.001056625   0.003716458  946.4139  1352635   0.313246   0.9974855   1        1        1           1            1      1          33706        48279870
A     91       0x0400000a00004000  1022171701.699996000  1022171726.637210000  24.937214000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:00:21:d2:cc:72  0x0800    jp       "Asahi Kasei Networks Corporati"  3429   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         139      0        12342       23601        42462        33731054      0         63        3.440447    14.32136    0       0.36365   0.002020519   0.005329602  494.923   1702.756  -0.313246  -0.9974855  1        1        2           2            2      1          12342        42462
B     6228     0x0400000200004001  1022171714.045827000  1022171722.457644000  8.411817000   1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:10:5a:c5:96:1a  0x0800    ie       "us-stripe-1-mnt"                 56071  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         3837     0        10159       5692         14821880     0             0         1460      1458.99     32.96766    0       1.465593  0.0008280156  0.01485064   1207.706  1762031   0.2818119  1           1        2        3           1            1      0.3333333  30343        44264308
B     3584     0x0400000200004001  1022171705.686717000  1022171714.043794000  8.357077000   1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:10:5a:c5:96:1a  0x0800    ie       "us-stripe-1-mnt"                 56070  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         3820     0        10048       5709         14656900     0             0         1460      1458.688    37.40672    0       1.39519   0.0008317156  0.01430882   1202.334  1753831   0.2753697  1           1        2        5           1            1      0.2        30343        44264308
A     327      0x0400000200004000  1022171701.712093000  1022171726.638722000  24.926629000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:50:bf:08:44:81  0x0800     us       "MAINT-APNIC-AP"                  65230  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         58290    0        9459        5223         13696632     0             1448      1448      1448        14.88834    0       0.067445  0.00263523    0.006631293  379.4737  549477.9  0.2885166  1           1        1        2           2            2      1          9459         13696632
B     69       0x0400000200004001  1022171701.698940000  1022171726.629403000  24.930463000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:50:fc:23:7a:c0  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         139   jp       "Asahi Kasei Networks Corporati"  2860     0        8978        4413         12814184     25156         68        1460      1427.287    188.7683    0       0.070768  0.002776838   0.005433218  360.1217  513997    0.3409006  0.9960814   1        2        1           3            3      3          0            4198402
B     77       0x0400000200004001  1022171701.699040000  1022171726.629407000  24.930367000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:48:54:63:7b:6c  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         139   jp       "Asahi Kasei Networks Corporati"  2861     0        7319        3622         10446036     20736         39        1460      1427.249    189.3738    0       0.131045  0.003406252   0.006908146  293.5777  419008.5  0.3379033  0.9960377   1        1        1           1            1      1          0            4198402
B     31       0x0400000200004001  1022171701.715914000  1022171726.608383000  24.892469000  1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:01:02:b4:36:56  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  0x0800   jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         139    jp       "Asahi Kasei Networks Corporati"  61340    0        7289        3811         10398387     10773         0         1460      1426.586    206.3522    0       0.204505  0.003415072   0.01081335   292.8195  417732.2  0.3133333  0.9979301   4        2        1           3            0.75   3          23691        33466670
A     4782     0x0400000200004000  1022171709.260746000  1022171716.327308000  7.066562000   1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:00:b4:a9:15:71  0x0800     jp       "Meiji University"                36237  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         20       0        6865        4465         10008944     0             0         1460      1457.967    53.03892    0       0.404642  0.00102936    0.009474586  971.4766  1416381   0.211827   1           1        3        6           6            6      1          13412        19470658
B     8563     0x0400000200004001  1022171722.458182000  1022171726.637621000  4.179439000   1           3        eth:ipv4:tcp  00:d0:02:6d:78:00  00:10:5a:c5:96:1a  0x0800    ie       "us-stripe-1-mnt"                 56072  jp       "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         3854     0        6044        3358         8817920      0             0         1460      1458.954    33.76375    0       0.145115  0.0006915019  0.00266886   1446.127  2109833   0.2856839  1           1        1        1           1            1      1          30343        44264308

VLAN flow aggregation

If you acquire your traffic from an LNS or on a trunk port the VLANs must be integrated in the flow hash as different VLANs with the same five tuple should be separated. If your traffic is stripped of VLANs, then you can ignore the VLAN ID, as it will always be 0.

Notwithstanding, it might be interesting to aggregate all VLANs with the same five tuple in one flow. One interesting incident, where T2 came to the rescue was a case where egress/ingress traffic was separated in two different VLANs; an accidental misconfiguration.

So the VLAN mode produced perfect flows and when I switched VLAN aggregation off I had twice the amount of flows, and that made me go to the customer and ask a question like: WTF? And he answered: WTF! And then we found a lot of WTF stuff including illegal access…

First, reset the aggregation mode:

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x00 && t2build -R

t2conf tranalyzer2 -G AGGREGATIONFLAG


Then, feed the 802.1Q_tunneling.cap PCAP file to T2 in order to see how the normal flow output looks like:

t2 -r ~/data/802.1Q_tunneling.cap -w ~/results

Tranalyzer 0.9.1 (Anteater), Cobra. PID: 62159, Prio: 0, SID: 666
[INF] Creating flows for L2, IPv4, IPv6
Active plugins:
    01: basicFlow, 0.9.1
    02: basicStats, 0.9.1
    03: connStat, 0.9.1
    04: txtSink, 0.9.1
[INF] IPv4 Ver: 5, Rev: 09082023, Range Mode: 0, subnet ranges loaded: 481438 (481.44 K)
[INF] IPv6 Ver: 5, Rev: 09082023, Range Mode: 0, subnet ranges loaded: 41486 (41.49 K)
Processing file: /home/user/data/802.1Q_tunneling.cap
Link layer type: Ethernet [EN10MB/1]
Snapshot length: 65535 (65.53 K)
Dump start: 1277840495.135052000 sec (Tue 29 Jun 2010 19:41:35 GMT)
Dump stop : 1277840530.538713000 sec (Tue 29 Jun 2010 19:42:10 GMT)
Total dump duration: 35.403661000 sec
Finished processing. Elapsed time: 0.000140915 sec
Finished unloading flow memory. Time: 0.000272500 sec
Percentage completed: 100.00%
Number of processed packets: 26
Number of processed bytes: 4686 (4.69 K)
Number of raw bytes: 4686 (4.69 K)
Number of pcap bytes: 5126 (5.13 K)
Number of IPv4 packets: 20 [76.92%]
Number of A packets: 16 [61.54%]
Number of B packets: 10 [38.46%]
Number of A bytes: 3466 (3.47 K) [73.97%]
Number of B bytes: 1220 (1.22 K) [26.03%]
<A packet load>: 216.62
<B packet load>: 122.00
basicStats: Flow max(pktload): 353
basicStats: Flow max(b/s), pkts: 483870 (483.87 Kb/s), 5
basicStats: Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:13:c3:df:ae:18: 1 [3.85%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L2 flow talker: 00:0f:34:5f:16:8d: 353 [7.53%] bytes
basicStats: Biggest L3 flow talker: 5 [19.23%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L3 flow talker: 360 [7.68%] bytes
connStat: Number of unique source IPs: 2
connStat: Number of unique destination IPs: 2
connStat: Number of unique source/destination IPs connections: 2
connStat: Max unique number of source IP / destination port connections: 2
connStat: IP connF=connSipDprt/connSip: 1.000000
connStat: IP connG=connSipDprt/connSipDip: 1.000000
connStat: Source IP with max connections: 1 connections
connStat: Destination IP with max connections: 1 connections
connStat: Biggest L3 talker: 5 [19.23%] packets
connStat: Biggest L3 talker: 360 [7.68%] bytes
Headers count: min: 3, max: 5, avg: 4.69
Max VLAN header count: 2
Number of LLC packets: 6 [23.08%]
Number of ICMP packets: 20 [76.92%]
Number of processed      flows: 10
Number of processed L2   flows: 6 [60.00%]
Number of processed IPv4 flows: 4 [40.00%]
Number of processed A    flows: 8 [80.00%]
Number of processed B    flows: 2 [20.00%]
Number of request        flows: 8 [80.00%]
Number of reply          flows: 2 [20.00%]
Total   A/B    flow asymmetry: 0.60
Total req/rply flow asymmetry: 0.60
Number of processed A+B packets/A+B flows: 2.60
Number of processed A   packets/A   flows: 2.00
Number of processed   B packets/  B flows: 5.00
Number of processed total packets/s: 0.73
Number of processed A+B   packets/s: 0.73
Number of processed A     packets/s: 0.45
Number of processed   B   packets/s: 0.28
<Number of processed flows/s>: 0.28
<Bandwidth>: 551 b/s
<Raw bandwidth>: 1059 b/s (1.06 Kb/s)
Max number of flows in memory: 10 [0.00%]
Memory usage: 0.07 GB [0.10%]
Aggregated flowStat=0x0400000000004104
[INF] Layer 2 flows
[INF] IPv4 flows
[INF] VLAN encapsulation

Max VLAN header count: 2… Hmmm, that means, the packets are encapsulated maximal in two VLANs. Right, let’s look at the flows:

tcol ~/results/802.1Q_tunneling_flows.txt

%dir  flowInd  flowStat            timeFirst             timeLast              duration     numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc                srcMac             dstMac             ethType  vlanID  srcIP        srcIPCC  srcIPOrg           srcPort  dstIP        dstIPCC  dstIPOrg           dstPort  l4Proto  numPktsSnt  numPktsRcvd  numBytesSnt  numBytesRcvd  minPktSz  maxPktSz  avePktSize  stdPktSize  minIAT  maxIAT    aveIAT     stdIAT        pktps     bytps     pktAsm  bytAsm  connSip  connDip  connSipDip  connSipDprt  connF  connG  connNumPCnt  connNumBCnt
A     1        0x0400000000004100  1277840495.135052000  1277840495.141708000  0.006656000  1           5        eth:vlan{2}:ipv4:icmp  00:13:c3:df:ae:18  00:1b:d4:1b:a4:d8  0x0800   118;10  04       "Private network"  0  04       "Private network"  0        1        5           5            360          360           72        72        72          32.19938    0       0.00188   0.0013312  0.0009233078  751.2019  54086.54  0       0       1        1        2           2            2      1      5            360
B     1        0x0400000000004101  1277840495.135910000  1277840495.142543000  0.006633000  1           5        eth:vlan{2}:ipv4:icmp  00:1b:d4:1b:a4:d8  00:13:c3:df:ae:18  0x0800   118;10  04       "Private network"  0  04       "Private network"  0        1        5           5            360          360           72        72        72          32.19938    0       0.001721  0.0013266  0.0008943002  753.8067  54274.09  0       0       1        1        1           1            1      1      5            360
A     2        0x0400000000004100  1277840503.708352000  1277840503.714432000  0.006080000  1           5        eth:vlan{2}:ipv4:icmp  00:19:aa:7d:e6:88  00:21:55:c8:f1:3c  0x0800   209;20  04       "Private network"  0  04       "Private network"  0        1        5           5            360          360           72        72        72          32.19938    0       0.001733  0.001216   0.0008592694  822.3684  59210.52  0       0       1        1        2           2            2      1      5            360
B     2        0x0400000000004101  1277840503.709181000  1277840503.715133000  0.005952000  1           5        eth:vlan{2}:ipv4:icmp  00:21:55:c8:f1:3c  00:19:aa:7d:e6:88  0x0800   209;20  04       "Private network"  0  04       "Private network"  0        1        5           5            360          360           72        72        72          32.19938    0       0.001666  0.0011904  0.0007853201  840.0538  60483.87  0       0       1        1        1           1            1      1      5            360
A     3        0x0000000000000104  1277840510.969363000  1277840510.969363000  0.000000000  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:cdp       00:13:c3:df:ae:18  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0  0x2000   41078   -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            349          0             349       349       349         349         0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0      0      0            0
A     4        0x0000000000000104  1277840511.384783000  1277840511.384783000  0.000000000  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:cdp       00:19:aa:7d:e6:88  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0  0x2000   41169   -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            347          0             347       347       347         347         0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0      0      0            0
A     5        0x0000000000000004  1277840525.369320000  1277840525.369320000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:llc:cdp            00:0f:34:5f:16:8d  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2000           -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            353          0             353       353       353         353         0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0      0      0            0
A     6        0x0000000000000004  1277840525.404193000  1277840525.404193000  0.000000000  1           3        eth:llc:cdp            00:13:c4:12:0f:0d  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2000           -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            353          0             353       353       353         353         0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0      0      0            0
A     7        0x0000000000000104  1277840528.106320000  1277840528.106320000  0.000000000  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:cdp       00:1b:d4:1b:a4:d8  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0  0x2000   41078   -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            349          0             349       349       349         349         0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0      0      0            0
A     8        0x0000000000000104  1277840530.538713000  1277840530.538713000  0.000000000  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:cdp       00:21:55:c8:f1:3c  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0  0x2000   41169   -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            347          0             347       347       347         347         0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0      0      0            0

Now switch on the VLAN aggregation mode using either of the following configs, which are equivalent:

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=VLANID

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x20

So make the flow aggregation independent of the VLAN ID.

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x20 && t2build -R

t2 -r ~/data/802.1Q_tunneling.cap -w ~/results/

basicStats: Biggest L2 talker: 00:13:c3:df:ae:18: 1 [3.85%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L2 talker: 00:13:c3:df:ae:18: 375 [8.00%] bytes
basicStats: Biggest L3 talker: 5 [19.23%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L3 talker: 610 [13.02%] bytes
connStat: Number of unique source IPs: 2
connStat: Number of unique destination IPs: 2
connStat: Number of unique source/destination IPs connections: 2
connStat: Max unique number of source IP / destination port connections: 2
connStat: IP prtcon/sdcon, prtcon/scon: 1.000000, 1.000000
connStat: Source IP with max connections: 1 connections
connStat: Destination IP with max connections: 1 connections
Headers count: min: 3, max: 5, average: 4.69
Max VLAN header count: 2
Number of LLC packets: 6 [23.08%]
Number of GRE packets: 6 [23.08%]
Number of ICMP packets: 20 [76.92%]
Number of processed   flows: 10
Number of processed A flows: 8 [80.00%]
Number of processed B flows: 2 [20.00%]
Number of request     flows: 8 [80.00%]
Number of reply       flows: 2 [20.00%]
Total   A/B    flow asymmetry: 0.60
Total req/rply flow asymmetry: 0.60
Number of processed   packets/flows: 2.60
Number of processed A packets/flows: 2.00
Number of processed B packets/flows: 5.00
Number of processed total packets/s: 0.73
Number of processed A+B   packets/s: 0.73
Number of processed A     packets/s: 0.45
Number of processed   B   packets/s: 0.28

Damn! But why do we have the same amount of flows? Is T2 broken? Or did we take something not into account? Ahhh, the VLANs and IPs are always different. If you look now at the ethVlanID it is empty, aka not used in the hash. The Ethernet flows have different srcMac, so they stay separate as well. Oups, …

tcol ~/results/802.1Q_tunneling_flows.txt

%dir  flowInd  flowStat            timeFirst          timeLast           duration  numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc                srcMac             dstMac             ethType  ethVlanID  srcIP        srcIPCC  srcIPOrg           srcPort  dstIP        dstIPCC  dstIPOrg           dstPort  l4Proto  numPktsSnt  numPktsRcvd  numBytesSnt  numBytesRcvd  minPktSz  maxPktSz  avePktSize  stdPktSize  minIAT  maxIAT    aveIAT     stdIAT        pktps     bytps     pktAsm  bytAsm  connSip  connDip  connSipDip  connSipDprt  connF
A     1        0x0400000000004100  1277840495.135052  1277840495.141708  0.006656  1           5        eth:vlan{2}:ipv4:icmp  00:13:c3:df:ae:18  00:1b:d4:1b:a4:d8  0x0800      04       "Private network"  0  04       "Private network"  0        1        5           5            360          360           72        72        72          0           0       0.00188   0.0013312  0.0004990491  751.2019  54086.54  0       0       1        1        2           2            2
B     1        0x0400000000004101  1277840495.135910  1277840495.142543  0.006633  1           5        eth:vlan{2}:ipv4:icmp  00:1b:d4:1b:a4:d8  00:13:c3:df:ae:18  0x0800      04       "Private network"  0  04       "Private network"  0        1        5           5            360          360           72        72        72          0           0       0.001721  0.0013266  0.0005040318  753.8067  54274.09  0       0       1        1        1           1            1
A     2        0x0400000000004100  1277840503.708352  1277840503.714432  0.006080  1           5        eth:vlan{2}:ipv4:icmp  00:19:aa:7d:e6:88  00:21:55:c8:f1:3c  0x0800      04       "Private network"  0  04       "Private network"  0        1        5           5            360          360           72        72        72          0           0       0.001733  0.001216   0.0004763269  822.3684  59210.52  0       0       1        1        2           2            2
B     2        0x0400000000004101  1277840503.709181  1277840503.715133  0.005952  1           5        eth:vlan{2}:ipv4:icmp  00:21:55:c8:f1:3c  00:19:aa:7d:e6:88  0x0800      04       "Private network"  0  04       "Private network"  0        1        5           5            360          360           72        72        72          0           0       0.001666  0.0011904  0.0004731365  840.0538  60483.87  0       0       1        1        1           1            1
A     3        0x0000000000000104  1277840510.969363  1277840510.969363  0.000000  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:cdp       00:13:c3:df:ae:18  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0  0x2000              -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            349          0             349       349       349         0           0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0
A     4        0x0000000000000104  1277840511.384783  1277840511.384783  0.000000  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:cdp       00:19:aa:7d:e6:88  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0  0x2000              -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            347          0             347       347       347         0           0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0
A     5        0x0000000000000004  1277840525.369320  1277840525.369320  0.000000  1           3        eth:llc:cdp            00:0f:34:5f:16:8d  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2000              -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            353          0             353       353       353         0           0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0
A     6        0x0000000000000004  1277840525.404193  1277840525.404193  0.000000  1           3        eth:llc:cdp            00:13:c4:12:0f:0d  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2000              -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            353          0             353       353       353         0           0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0
A     7        0x0000000000000104  1277840528.106320  1277840528.106320  0.000000  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:cdp       00:1b:d4:1b:a4:d8  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0  0x2000              -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            349          0             349       349       349         0           0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0
A     8        0x0000000000000104  1277840530.538713  1277840530.538713  0.000000  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:cdp       00:21:55:c8:f1:3c  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0  0x2000              -            -        "-"                0        -            -        "-"                0        0        1           0            347          0             347       347       347         0           0       0         0          0             0         0         1       1       0        0        0           0            0

Try to add the network aggregation mode for srcIP and dstIP, how many flows do you expect now?

Subnet aggregation

For people who are interested in the big picture, being interested in flows between organizations or even bigger between countries, the SUBNET aggregation mode comes in handy. To achieve a maximal compression L4PROT, DSTPORT, SRCPORT are ignored as well in the flow hash.

So set the AGGREGATIONFLAG as follows (both commands are equivalent);


t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x87

As indicated below, rebuild T2 and all active plugins and run it on annoloc2.pcap as it contains more organizations.

t2conf tranalyzer2 -D AGGREGATIONFLAG=0x87 && t2build -R

t2conf tranalyzer2 -G AGGREGATIONFLAG

t2 -r ~/data/annoloc2.pcap -w ~/results/

basicStats: Biggest L2 talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 57 [0.00%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L2 talker: 00:d0:02:6d:78:00: 3420 (3.42 K) [0.01%] bytes
basicStats: Biggest L3 talker: N/A (JP): 79352 (79.35 K) [6.51%] packets
basicStats: Biggest L3 talker: N/A (JP): 112279659 (112.28 M) [175.21%] bytes
connStat: Number of unique source IPs: 634
connStat: Number of unique destination IPs: 467
connStat: Number of unique source/destination IPs connections: 4
connStat: Max unique number of source IP / destination port connections: 922
connStat: IP prtcon/sdcon, prtcon/scon: 230.500000, 1.454259
connStat: Source IP with max connections: N/A (JP): 463 connections
connStat: Destination IP with max connections: N/A (JP): 623 connections
Headers count: min: 2, max: 5, average: 3.01
Number of GRE packets: 20 [0.00%]
Number of IPv4 fragmented packets: 2284 (2.28 K) [0.19%]
Number of processed   flows: 2391 (2.39 K)
Number of processed A flows: 1290 (1.29 K) [53.95%]
Number of processed B flows: 1101 (1.10 K) [46.05%]
Number of request     flows: 1279 (1.28 K) [53.49%]
Number of reply       flows: 1112 (1.11 K) [46.51%]
Total   A/B    flow asymmetry: 0.08
Total req/rply flow asymmetry: 0.07
Number of processed   packets/flows: 509.83
Number of processed A packets/flows: 513.87
Number of processed B packets/flows: 505.10
Number of processed total packets/s: 48859.83 (48.86 K)
Number of processed A+B   packets/s: 48859.83 (48.86 K)
Number of processed A     packets/s: 26569.88 (26.57 K)
Number of processed   B   packets/s: 22289.95 (22.29 K)

Note that the amount of flows is now drastically reduced and basicStats and connStat report only the country and not the IP anymore. L2 output stays the same as it is not aggregated according to country or organization.

Select the last 10 flows from the results directory and look at the IP columns. As flows are now aggregated into country and organizations, all the IPs covered by theses flow parameters are listed under srcIP and dstIP. Same for any other flow parameter such as VLAN ID or Ethernet address.

tail -n 10 ~/results/annoloc2_flows.txt | tcol

%dir  flowInd  flowStat  timeFirst  timeLast  duration  numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc  srcMac  dstMac  ethType  ethVlanID  srcIP  srcIPCC  srcIPOrg  srcPort  dstIP  dstIPCC  dstIPOrg  dstPort  l4Proto  numPktsSnt  numPktsRcvd  numBytesSnt  numBytesRcvd  minPktSz  maxPktSz  avePktSize  stdPktSize  minIAT  maxIAT  aveIAT  stdIAT  pktps  bytps  pktAsm  bytAsm  connSip  connDip  connSipDip  connSipDprt  connF
A  262  0x0400000200004000  1022171701.755879  1022171726.638725  24.882846  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp                                         00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      00:10:a7:02:4d:33;00:10:5a:9a:7b:b2;00:00:1c:b6:16:3f  0x0800;;;;                 us  "Allstream Business US"           0;;;;   jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0  0  361    595    33379      767756     0   1414  92.4626   313.5428  0  0.848498  0.06892753    0.13587       14.50799  1341.446  -0.2447699    -0.9166707  1  4  2  2  2
B  262  0x0400000200004001  1022171701.902659  1022171726.640383  24.737724  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp                                         00:10:a7:02:4d:33;00:10:5a:9a:7b:b2;00:00:1c:b6:16:3f  00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      0x0800;;;;    jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0;;;;             us  "Allstream Business US"           0  0  595    361    767756     33379      0   1452  1290.346  376.2223  0  0.843078  0.04157602    0.1172496     24.05233  31035.84  0.2447699     0.9166707   4  1  1  1  0.25
A  24   0x0400000200004000  1022171701.692722  1022171726.639225  24.946503  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:udp;eth:ipv4:icmp                                        00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      00:10:a7:04:8c:e7;00:10:a7:02:4d:33                    0x0800;                                                        br  "SIMONE BARBOSA DO NASCIMENTO S"  0;                                                  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0  0  1948   1521   64242      95562      15  81    32.97844  5.965079  0  0.091936  0.01280621    0.01250342    78.0871   2575.191  0.1230902     -0.1959901  1  3  2  2  2
B  24   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.699995  1022171726.638731  24.938736  1  3        eth:ipv4:udp                                                      00:10:a7:02:4d:33;00:10:a7:04:8c:e7                    00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      0x0800;                                                   jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0;                                                       br  "SIMONE BARBOSA DO NASCIMENTO S"  0  0  1521   1948   95562      64242      2   1002  62.8284   48.12328  0  0.077883  0.01639627    0.01056307    60.98946  3831.87   -0.1230902    0.1959901   3  1  1  1  0.3333333
A  25   0x0400000200004000  1022171701.692728  1022171726.639232  24.946504  1  3        eth:ipv4:tcp                                                      00:01:02:b4:36:56;00:00:b4:a9:15:71                    00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      0x0800;                                                 jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1;                                                    jp  "Meiji University"                0  0  21733  21530  18978704   19467995   0   1460  873.2667  715.3718  0  0.192009  0.001147856   0.003702144   871.1842  760776.1  0.004692231   -0.0127265  2  1  2  4  2
B  25   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.700968  1022171726.639226  24.938258  1  3        eth:ipv4:tcp                                                      00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      00:01:02:b4:36:56;00:00:b4:a9:15:71                    0x0800;                                                     jp  "Meiji University"                0;                                                jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1  0  21530  21733  19467995   18978704   0   1460  904.2265  708.6259  0  0.198618  0.001158304   0.003675067   863.3322  780647.8  -0.004692231  0.0127265   1  2  1  3  3
A  1    0x0400100200004000  1022171701.691172  1022171726.640398  24.949226  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp                                         00:e0:4c:48:3a:a4;00:80:48:b3:21:69;00:4f:4e:02:84:25  00:d0:02:6d:78:00;00:40:33:28:8b:1b;00:80:48:cd:85:0e  0x0800;;;;  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1;;;;  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0  0  79352  49511  107963925  827100     0   1460  1360.57   303.0083  0  0.038743  0.0003144112  0.0005775219  3180.54   4327346   0.2315715     0.9847948   1  2  2  2  2
B  1    0x0400000a00004001  1022171701.691327  1022171726.640388  24.949061  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp                                         00:d0:02:6d:78:00;00:40:33:28:8b:1b;00:48:54:7a:23:90  00:50:fc:0b:d9:f9;00:00:e8:87:02:d1;00:20:18:8a:fd:9b  0x0800;;;;      jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0;;;;    jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1  0  49511  79352  827100     107963925  0   720   16.70538  32.12636  0  0.039945  0.0005039101  0.0006851798  1984.484  33151.55  -0.2315715    -0.9847948  2  1  1  1  0.5
A  5    0x0401080a00005000  1022171701.691178  1022171726.640398  24.949220  4  3;3;3;4  eth:ipv4:udp;eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:icmp;eth:ipv4:gre:UNK(0x08a8)  00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      00:50:04:2b:e6:2f;00:40:f4:21:e6:56;00:04:76:24:0e:f4  0x0800;;;;                us  "Ford Motor Company"              0;;;;    jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0  0  69456  61949  16853704   47169356   0   1460  242.653   510.8112  0  0.038853  0.0003592089  0.0005340053  2783.895  675520.2  0.05712872    -0.4735115  1  1  2  2  2
B  5    0x0401080a00005001  1022171701.691697  1022171726.640389  24.948692  4  3;3;3;4  eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp;eth:ipv4:icmp;eth:ipv4:gre:UNK(0x0051)  00:04:76:24:0e:f4;00:20:af:d2:17:09;00:c0:26:55:f7:dc  00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      0x0800;;;;    jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0;;;;                  us  "Ford Motor Company"              0  0  61949  69456  47169356   16853704   0   1460  761.4224  664.3212  0  0.039878  0.0004027295  0.0006338434  2483.056  1890654   -0.05712872   0.4735115   1  1  1  1  1

The length of each header in the flow file is defined in basicFlow.h below


vi src/basicFlow.h

// Maximum number of values to store

#define BFO_MAX_HDRDESC 4 // Maximum number of headers descriptions to store
#define BFO_MAX_MAC     3 // Maximum different MAC addresses to output
#define BFO_MAX_IP      5 // Maximum different IP addresses to output
#define BFO_MAX_MPLS    3 // Maximum MPLS headers/tags to output
#define BFO_MAX_VLAN    3 // Maximum VLAN headers/numbers to output

Let’s set the maximal IPs to 10 and see what happens.

t2conf basicFlow -D BFO_MAX_IP=10 && t2build basicFlow

t2 -r ~/data/annoloc2.pcap -w ~/results/

Now the list of IPs is longer

tail -n 10 ~/results/annoloc2_flows.txt | tcol

%dir  flowInd  flowStat  timeFirst  timeLast  duration  numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc  srcMac  dstMac  ethType  ethVlanID  srcIP  srcIPCC  srcIPOrg  srcPort  dstIP  dstIPCC  dstIPOrg  dstPort  l4Proto  numPktsSnt  numPktsRcvd  numBytesSnt  numBytesRcvd  minPktSz  maxPktSz  avePktSize  stdPktSize  minIAT  maxIAT  aveIAT  stdIAT  pktps  bytps  pktAsm  bytAsm  connSip  connDip  connSipDip  connSipDprt  connF
A  262  0x0400000200004000  1022171701.755879  1022171726.638725  24.882846  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp                                         00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      00:10:a7:02:4d:33;00:10:5a:9a:7b:b2;00:00:1c:b6:16:3f  0x0800;;;;;;                                                                  us  "Allstream Business US"           0;;;;;;;;                 jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0  0  361    595    33379      767756     0   1414  92.4626   313.5428  0  0.848498  0.06892753    0.13587       14.50799  1341.446  -0.2447699    -0.9166707  1  4  2  2  2
B  262  0x0400000200004001  1022171701.902659  1022171726.640383  24.737724  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp                                         00:10:a7:02:4d:33;00:10:5a:9a:7b:b2;00:00:1c:b6:16:3f  00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      0x0800;;;;;;;;;   jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0;;;;;;;                                                 us  "Allstream Business US"           0  0  595    361    767756     33379      0   1452  1290.346  376.2223  0  0.843078  0.04157602    0.1172496     24.05233  31035.84  0.2447699     0.9166707   4  1  1  1  0.25
A  24   0x0400000200004000  1022171701.692722  1022171726.639225  24.946503  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:udp;eth:ipv4:icmp                                        00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      00:10:a7:04:8c:e7;00:10:a7:02:4d:33                    0x0800;                                                                                                                                    br  "SIMONE BARBOSA DO NASCIMENTO S"  0;                                                                                                                              jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0  0  1948   1521   64242      95562      15  81    32.97844  5.965079  0  0.091936  0.01280621    0.01250342    78.0871   2575.191  0.1230902     -0.1959901  1  3  2  2  2
B  24   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.699995  1022171726.638731  24.938736  1  3        eth:ipv4:udp                                                      00:10:a7:02:4d:33;00:10:a7:04:8c:e7                    00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      0x0800;                                                                                                                               jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0;                                                                                                                                   br  "SIMONE BARBOSA DO NASCIMENTO S"  0  0  1521   1948   95562      64242      2   1002  62.8284   48.12328  0  0.077883  0.01639627    0.01056307    60.98946  3831.87   -0.1230902    0.1959901   3  1  1  1  0.3333333
A  25   0x0400000200004000  1022171701.692728  1022171726.639232  24.946504  1  3        eth:ipv4:tcp                                                      00:01:02:b4:36:56;00:00:b4:a9:15:71                    00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      0x0800;                                                                                                                             jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1;                                                                                                                                jp  "Meiji University"                0  0  21733  21530  18978704   19467995   0   1460  873.2667  715.3718  0  0.192009  0.001147856   0.003702144   871.1842  760776.1  0.004692231   -0.0127265  2  1  2  4  2
B  25   0x0400000200004001  1022171701.700968  1022171726.639226  24.938258  1  3        eth:ipv4:tcp                                                      00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      00:01:02:b4:36:56;00:00:b4:a9:15:71                    0x0800;                                                                                                                                 jp  "Meiji University"                0;                                                                                                                            jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1  0  21530  21733  19467995   18978704   0   1460  904.2265  708.6259  0  0.198618  0.001158304   0.003675067   863.3322  780647.8  -0.004692231  0.0127265   1  2  1  3  3
A  1    0x0400100200004000  1022171701.691172  1022171726.640398  24.949226  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp                                         00:e0:4c:48:3a:a4;00:80:48:b3:21:69;00:4f:4e:02:84:25  00:d0:02:6d:78:00;00:40:33:28:8b:1b;00:80:48:cd:85:0e  0x0800;;;;;;;;;  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1;;;;;;;;;  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0  0  79352  49511  107963925  827100     0   1460  1360.57   303.0083  0  0.038743  0.0003144112  0.0005775219  3180.54   4327346   0.2315715     0.9847948   1  2  2  2  2
B  1    0x0400000a00004001  1022171701.691327  1022171726.640388  24.949061  2  3;3      eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp                                         00:d0:02:6d:78:00;00:40:33:28:8b:1b;00:48:54:7a:23:90  00:50:fc:0b:d9:f9;00:00:e8:87:02:d1;00:20:18:8a:fd:9b  0x0800;;;;;;;;;      jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0;;;;;;;;;   jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         1  0  49511  79352  827100     107963925  0   720   16.70538  32.12636  0  0.039945  0.0005039101  0.0006851798  1984.484  33151.55  -0.2315715    -0.9847948  2  1  1  1  0.5
A  5    0x0401080a00005000  1022171701.691178  1022171726.640398  24.949220  4  3;3;3;4  eth:ipv4:udp;eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:icmp;eth:ipv4:gre:UNK(0x08a8)  00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      00:50:04:2b:e6:2f;00:40:f4:21:e6:56;00:04:76:24:0e:f4  0x0800;;;;;;;;;                       us  "Ford Motor Company"              0;;;;;;;;;  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0  0  69456  61949  16853704   47169356   0   1460  242.653   510.8112  0  0.038853  0.0003592089  0.0005340053  2783.895  675520.2  0.05712872    -0.4735115  1  1  2  2  2
B  5    0x0401080a00005001  1022171701.691697  1022171726.640389  24.948692  4  3;3;3;4  eth:ipv4:tcp;eth:ipv4:udp;eth:ipv4:icmp;eth:ipv4:gre:UNK(0x0051)  00:04:76:24:0e:f4;00:20:af:d2:17:09;00:c0:26:55:f7:dc  00:d0:02:6d:78:00                                      0x0800;;;;;;;;;  jp  "ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION"         0;;;;;;;;;                           us  "Ford Motor Company"              0  0  61949  69456  47169356   16853704   0   1460  761.4224  664.3212  0  0.039878  0.0004027295  0.0006338434  2483.056  1890654   -0.05712872   0.4735115   1  1  1  1  1


So, that is enough for today and don’t forget to reset the aggregation configuration again for the next tutorials.

t2conf --reset -a && t2build -R

Have fun!